If you have question Regarding your Bills Or Would like to Pay the Bill over the phone; Please Call our Billing office at
It is easy to make a payment through either MyHillChart OR through the Online Portal by clicking the link
Welcome to our Practice! Thank you for choosing us to be part of your healthcare.
We Accept Most PPO insurances , Medicare Part B, Multplan Insurances and are part of Hill Physicians network.
Please call our OFFICE at 510-582-6424, or fill out the New Insurance required information
Plan to arrive 30 min before your appointment. We also request that you bring a copy of your insurance card(s) , your State issued ID and prepared to pay the Copay amount due for the VIsit. We ask that you bring with you either a list of your medications - including the dosage - or your actual pill bottles.
New Patients will only be seen after insurance eligibility is verified.
Please fill out the following forms before the appointment
New / Existing Patient Health History Form
Authorization to Bill insurance
Once a year, you make an appointment with your primary care physician to make sure your health is in good working order and detect potential concerns early, before symptoms are noticeable.
Most insurance plans cover your annual wellness exam — no copay required. However, you may find the actual components of a wellness visit a bit confusing and your plan coverage may have additional limitations so please do enquire with your insurance for details.
Review the FAQs below to learn what to expect during your next annual wellness visit V/S a Follow-up / Sick Visit
Please Advice the Provider if you wish to Separate out the Follow UP Visit , by Default we will treat it as a Combined Visit ( Follow-up with Annual Wellness / Physical) and charge for any procedures/items not covered under Annual Wellness / Physical as Follow-up Visit
Your annual wellness visit includes the following:
On the day of your appointment, please arrive on time and bring your insurance card and ID.
Specific issues are considered part of a follow-up or “sick” visit. These aspects of your visit will be billed to your insurance, and you may be responsible for copayments, coinsurance or deductible payments, based on the terms of your policy.
If you would like to address non-routine concerns during your wellness visit, you can let your doctor know about these issues when you schedule your appointment. Depending on their complexity, the questions may need to be dealt with at a later time.
The Medicare annual wellness visit, covered by Medicare, allows your health-care provider to conduct a health risk assessment and propose screenings and prevention strategies. As well, your provider will make sure all your immunizations, cancer screenings and other preventive screenings are reviewed and ordered.
Your Medicare wellness visit does not include a detailed physical exam or management of chronic or new medical problems. Your physician may be able to perform a complete physical and address new or existing medical issues during your Medicare annual wellness visit, but you could incur additional Charges Based on your insurance coverage
At your Medicare annual wellness visit, your health care provider will:
Bring these items to your visit:
Combining a wellness visit with a follow-up office visit will save you time by eliminating an extra appointment, but doing so may affect your costs. Additional concerns beyond a wellness visit may be billed to your insurance, which can result in unplanned out-of-pocket costs to you depending on your Plan coverage .
Please Advice the Provider if you wish to Separate out the Follow UP Visit , by Default we will treat it as a Combined Visit ( Follow-up with Annual Wellness / Physical) and charge for any procedures/items not covered under Annual Wellness / Physical as Follow-up Visit
Please do Print the completed from and bring the form with you during your visit. You could also scan the filled PDF and send to contact@karewellmd.com before your visit.
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